Birth Year Analysis (Moon Rashi based)
₹5,100.00Personalized Moon Rashi based Birth Year Analysis.
This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.
In addition 20 minutes paid consultation can be selected for meeting with consultant.
Personalized Report are manually created report and it takes 5 to 7 working.
Please provide Birth Particulars, Eating Habits, Few past events, Photos, and if online meeting is desired with the Vedic Jyotish Consultant who has prepared personalized analysis.
If Vedic Consultant finds the Birth time on edge – when the Birth chart or Planets are on verge of changing, then Mystic Gazer Team will call you and inform about this – before refunding the advance payment. -
Birth Year Analysis (Nakshatra based)
₹11,000.00Personalized Nakshatra based Birth Year Analysis.
This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.
In addition 20 minutes paid consultation can be selected for meeting with consultant.
Personalized Report are manually created report and it takes 5 to 7 working.
Please provide Birth Particulars, Eating Habits, Few past events, Photos, and if online meeting is desired with the Vedic Jyotish Consultant who has prepared personalized analysis.
If Vedic Consultant finds the Birth time on edge – when the Birth chart or Planets are on verge of changing, then Mystic Gazer Team will call you and inform about this – before refunding the advance payment. -
Compatibility Analysis (Moon Rashi based)
₹7,100.00Personalized Rashi based Compatibility Analysis. This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.
Provide birth particulars, eating habits, few past events of both members, and if desired opt/select Additional online consultation with the Vedic Jyotish Expert who has prepared personalized analysis. -
Compatibility Analysis (Nakshatra based)
₹15,100.00Personalized Nakshatra based Compatibility Analysis. This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.Provide birth particulars, eating habits, few past events of both members, and if desired opt/select Additional online consultation with the Vedic Jyotish Expert who has prepared personalized analysis.
Year Analysis (Moon Rashi based)
₹8,100.00Personalized Moon Rashi based One Year Analysis.
This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.
In addition 20 minutes paid consultation can be selected for meeting with consultant.
Personalized Report are manually created report and it takes 5 to 7 working.
Please provide Birth Particulars, Eating Habits, Few past events, Photos, and if online meeting is desired with the Vedic Jyotish Consultant who has prepared personalized analysis.
If Vedic Consultant finds the Birth time on edge – when the Birth chart or Planets are on verge of changing, then Mystic Gazer Team will call you and inform about this – before refunding the advance payment. -
Year Analysis (Nakshatra based)
₹16,100.00Personalized Moon Rashi based One Year Analysis. This analysis result is provided in English PDF format – sent via email.
Provide birth particulars, eating habits, few past events, and if desired opt/select Additional online consultation with the Vedic Jyotish Expert who has prepared personalized analysis.